Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Costumes 2013

This year I made two costumes.  One, a Captain Crunch hat for my friend and the other a ninja costume for my son.

First, the hat.  This thing is huge! I used a foam core board and satin heavy duty satin.  The inner workings of how it is put on is with a headband.  I added wire in the middle for extra support.

Next up is my son's ninja costume!  He chose the blue accent color.

I used this pattern (view C):
I did some alterations to the pattern.  I added some elastic sewn into the neckline at the back because the neck was large and bulging.  I also added some hook and loop fastener to the shoulders of the body suit to attach the vest to the bodysuit.  Otherwise it was falling off the shoulders.

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