Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fraction Set - Tutorial

My nephew's birthday is coming up and I wanted to make him something special.  He will be four so I thought it would be a perfect time to introduce fractions.  I made this type of set for my son when he was younger and I feel that it has really helped him grasp fractions now that he is working on them in school.  He says they are so easy and can easily look at see which one is bigger or smaller because of the visual that this toy gave him.

One set of fractions: one whole, two halves, three thirds, four fourths, six sixths and eight eighths.  This is what I made, and you can of course make what you desire. 

Start by cutting out circles.  Each circle needs a top and bottom.  I used an old CD to trace around.  Next, cut up your shapes.  I used a ruler and eyeballed it.  You could use a compass if you want the angles to be percise.

Put some glue on the back of the piece.

Rub the glue around so it gets on all of the edges.  Put on top of your coordinating bottom fabric.  Do this for all of your fabric pieces.

I did a blanket stitch around the entire shape.  Do this for each shape.

Now you have your fractions!  You can teach a lot with these just by listening.  My son was amazed when he realized they were all the same size when put together.  He was excited when he fount that two sixths were the same size as one third.  I helped supply the language of what the pieces were called.  You could even write the fractions on the pieces. 

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