Monday, March 25, 2013

"Ice" Angry Bird - Pattern and Tutorial

I had mentioned that I am making Angry Bird party favors for my nephew's birthday.  I have already created the red space bird, so now onto the blue ice bird!  I love the boxy shape of the feathers, very nice touch!  It is what really makes the bird come alive out of the square shape. 

I love how they turned out!
So do you want to make your own?  Click on the (two) pattern pieces to print out your own.  As always, if you do not want to make your own, I can make you one for a small fee.

As with any of my patterns, do not sell anything made with them unless you have my permission.  Do not pass the pattern off as your own.  Please feel free to link to my blog.  If you create something from one of my patterns, link to my blog (and let me know, I would love to see it!)

Pattern Piece 1

Pattern Piece 2
Ready to get started?

First, cut all of the pieces out.

Next, sew the feather pieces together like so.

Sew them together again to create 4 boxes.  two small and two large.

Sew the top of the feathers onto the box shapes.

Next, I sewed two opposite corners in at an angle.  Without doing this step, the feather bases will be too large for the bird and it looks funny.  You can see in the above picture that the bottom tapers in a little bit on the right feather.

This is the size difference the tapering from the top angle.  Much nicer.

Sew the eyes and eye brows on.  I used a tight zig zag stitch.

Stitch the two beak pieces together.

Sew two of the body pieces right sides together.

Sew the face piece onto the two sewn body pieces.

Sew on the fourth side.

At this stage I added the eyes.  I used 'animal eyes' from the craft store as I thought the ice bird has some really small beady eyes and I really didn't want to sew those on!  I am very happy with my choice.  With the animal eyes, cut a VERY small hole int he back of the fabric.  As small as you can make it so the eye does not come out after you put the back on.  In the picture, you can see the white eye fabric through the blue hole.  The blue hole is slightly bigger, but that is okay. 

Insert in the eye and add the backing piece on according to instructions.


Sew the top and bottom squares onto the face piece. 

Sew the top and bottom sides along the top and bottom of the square.

I would place them together and make sure that the top seam was a triangle so no fabric got folded into the seam.

Top and bottom sewn on - now we just have the back piece left.

Inside view

Sew the back piece on carefully

Don't forget to leave a hole to turn right side out.  I don't like to have the turning hole on a corner so on one edge (the back bottom) I sewed along and then skipped a few inches and continued sewing so I would have the opening in the middle of the seam.

Turn right side out.  I think it looks a little creepy at this point.  Stuff and sew up the back opening.

Next hand sew the beak on, making sure to stuff it before the opening is completely closed.

Looking nice! (you can see my messy clutter in this picture - oops!)

Now to add the top feathers.  First I sewed one edge of a small and large feather together so they don't move around.

Then I sewed the middle seam onto the middle of the top to secure it before sewing all around, attaching it on all sides - stuffing it before closing it off all the way.
Do the same for the back feathers.

Very nice.  You are all done!

1 comment:

  1. Not only an insanely talented sewer, but also super clear with instructions and tutorials! A joy to read and I love the birds.
